South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Canada, USA

August 10th, 1897

Heathorn's Hotel, Liverpool Street, Hobart

My Beloved Angee,

My heart is filled with thanksgiving and joy on receiving your letters of June 11, 18 & 25th with enclosures from Arundel and the dear children. It is very good of you to have written every week although I have not been able to receive them much oftener than once a month – I was sure you would enjoy the time with our loved ones in Bristol, as I know you will too in London. I was rather expecting to have heard from some of them in London but no letter has yet reached me. We left Dunedin in the S.S. Talune last Friday the 6th and had a beautiful passage to the bluff – the port for Invercargill where we reached by daylight on Saturday morning – breakfasted soon after 7am and caught the 8.25am train for Invercargill about 17 miles distant. I had all the morning there for my business and spent a little time with a dear brother who lives there – returned at 1.45pm to the bluff and soon after 3 we were on our way to Tasmania in the most beautiful weather our hearts could have wished for. The Talune is a nice boat and the Union Company had very kindly given me a two berthed cabin for my own use so I was well provided for again in the mercy and goodness of God. There were a goodly number of passengers on board mostly bound for Melbourne. I had heard at Dunedin that the Captain was a Christian and meeting with the Raven company and as I did not want any strife kept some distance from him when sitting at the Table although there was something about his face and manner that drew my heart toward him. On taking my seat at Dinner on Saturday I was three chairs from him, those between being vacant so he very politely asked him to sit next him which I did. I knew who he was and I think he was similarly enlightened but I studiously avoided any word that might lead to controversy and making each other unhappy in our spirits – He continued however exploring until sail [possibly veil?] was lifted and I then said in few words that as I considered Mr Raven's teaching unscriptural I was with those who had refused it. Then to my surprise and joy I found that he refused it too and not he only but the greater number of the saints at Melbourne also. The following day I told him that I should be thankful for the use of the Social Hall in the evening for preaching the gospel if he could grant it. He was quite ready for this and had some notices written and posted up in both saloons at once. In the evening the Hall was quickly filled and we had a good time for a little over an hour – there were some Salvation Army people on board who all marched in and I don't think any of the company enjoyed the truth more than they and acknowledged that they had been blessed in their souls – there was no noise with any of them. The ocean was like a mill pond and has continued so all through the voyage – the Captain says that he hardly ever remembers to have had such a voyage especially now in Winter – it is generally very rough and on my last visit here 6 years ago, we were in the heaviest sea I have ever experienced in voyaging over the same waters. The Talune did not start from Dunedin until the day after she was advertised, so I went around among many of the merchants again, as I had not done much for P.F. – indeed had only taken one order for them – strange to say that now after I considered the business finished, in calling around again I took seven good orders. So it was a good thing the vessel was delayed. Mrs Olivay and her dear little daughter were very kind – Mrs O. is greatly desiring to visit the Old Country as they call it out here. I found Mrs Trelease's letter after posting my last letter via Frisco and now enclose it for your perusal – you will be able to judge of what sort of person she is and her husband too.

I am glad you had received my Cape Town letter but I have sent many since that some of which I hope you will have received before this date. D.V. I expect to reach Melbourne in about a week and you will then be able to get one every 7 days which will be better than awaiting a month. With regard to the money lent to S & P perhaps it will be well to have a detenture[?] bond for any further sum invested and when you see Mr Shapland again you might mention to him that if it does not make any difference to them I would prefer bonds for the sum already lent them. Have you heard anything further of Harry Shapland? I fear his break down is more serious than it was first thought to be. I am very sorry for the dear fellow and hope he may yet be restored.

Am very thankful to hear that Arundel is keeping so well – he is not eating much idle bread from all accounts – I expect both our boys (as we call them) would be rather surprised to see the work I have had to wade through but through mercy I am able to do it, nevertheless shall be glad when the journey is finished and my face is once more turned toward home. I received a kind letter from dear Albert too by the mail which came to hand this afternoon – as soon as I had passed the customs ordeal I drove to the Post Office for my letters before I landed at the hotel – also received one from dear Mr Ellis of Sydney a relative of the Wolston's giving me a hearty greeting – he had heard of my visit to Christchurch from dear Mr Child's there.

I hear that Sir P.O. Fysh has retired from his business and that his son is now only attending to a few agencies – all their stock has been sold off and the large premises are now mostly let for Offices – the competition out here is very sharp especially among the large merchants – they will see a gross of Day & Martins paste blacking for one penny profit – a 4 dozen tin case of condensed milk for 5d or 6d profit – rather hard work to keep up country seats on such profits as these. This letter will go via Melbourne and the Red Sea – shall add a little more to it before posting – God Bless you and continue His gracious mercy and care over you my beloved Angee and all our dear ones.

Launceston, August 15th 1897

My Beloved Angee,

You see from the heading that I am moving along and expect to leave Tasmania tomorrow afternoon reaching Melbourne the next morning if all be well. I only discovered yesterday that my addresses left with you terminated a few weeks ago, but I hope you will have continued to write to P.O. Melbourne until about this date August 15. I am hoping to leave Sydney by the S.S. "Dorangi" for Vancouver Oct. 11th if my business does not detain me long in Australia I may be able to leave by the S.S. "Alameda" Sep. 27 also from Sydney – this latter goes to San Francisco – but about the time this reaches you I shall be able to say definitely and shall cable to P.F. either the word "Dorangi" or "Alameda" which I have asked them to communicate to you – you will then address me for 2 weeks either to the P.O. Vancouver or to the P.O. San Francisco according to the route I take and after the 2 weeks my address will be c/o Peek, Frean &c. Hudson & Duane Ltd., New York. USA from whence they will be readdressed according to my weekly instructions. I must make the best of it now but I really ought to have commenced the work here a month or 5 weeks earlier. Tomorrow is mail day and am very thankful the envelopes to my four firms were decently filled last night (Saturday) at about 11 after a good many hours of the usual toil, in the midst of which I was greatly perplexed on discovering what a mull I had made of the addresses left with you. I doubt not however but that your wit will serve you in the difficulty and that you continue the address until receiving information to alter. Through mercy I am still carried on in safety and peace proving day by day the present grace of a saviour God. Have had a good time too for all my houses – one of the merchants in Hobart gave me an order for over £100 for Goodall Backhouse &c. – the best I have taken as yet. The beautiful weather and climate of this country is certainly very beneficial to health – it is as bright as Summer only not hot so that you can walk without any feeling of fatigue. There are no meetings in Tasmania so that I miss the comfort of fellowship with the Saints. Shall be glad to meet a few of them again in Australia. I expect you will be in London now and hope it may have been a happy time together – Harry does not write me – I have been expecting a letter from him and Emma for a long time. Hope he is getting on nicely with his business and the new ground he took up recently. I am longing for the time to come to look once more upon your dear face and all our loved ones. The Lord continue His preserving mercy over us all. My kindest love to Arundel and Nelly, Harry & Eunice and all the dear children and all our dear friends who remember me – now my dearest Angee with much love to your dear self believe me.

Your very affectionate Husband

August 16th 1897

All well – God Bless you.

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