United States, Canada

June 3rd, 1900

Winnipeg, Manitoba. Lord's day

My Beloved Angee,

I reached the above place last night soon after 10 from Brandon[?] and found my letters waiting – your very welcome epistle among them and the first to be read – you had timed my birthday congratulations exactly or just 2 hours before the 3rd – I was not so thoughtful and did not think of this beforehand as you evidently did, but I was desirous you should have mine so cabled about noon from Brandon as follows – "Edward Petter, Barnstaple Many happy returns beloved wife" – if you are still in Bristol I fear you may not receive it until Monday morning. Well God in mercy lengthened out our lives to the allotted span of the time he has appointed – His kindness and love to us has abounded and that which we could not do without His manifold mercy for all failure so that His love may be without any break. Having loved His own which were in the world He loved them to the end, or ever more which never ends. Thank you my dearest Angee for all your fruitful love and devotion – the love between us was always true but after all the wear and tear and ups and downs it seems to get sweeter and sweeter with advancing years. I was thankful to get dear Mildred's letter too and Nellie's line with signature of my beloved grandchildren in Bristol. Then there was a surprise packet which I supposed to be business matters but on opening found your excellent likenesses – the best you have had for years – both are very good and so they all are i.e. Mildred & the boys.

I did not leave Calgary at the time appointed – intended leaving on Thursday morning at 1.30, so went to bed at 8 on Wednesday evening – about midnight I awoke not feeling well and was very sick – something I had eaten upset me – when the porter came to call me at 12.30 I told him I was not well and should delay my start for a day, so got to bed again and had a good night – on Thursday the news of the British capture of Johannesburg and Pretoria arrived and the place went mad with excitement – shops all closed – bands and processions started which culminated in fireworks up to and beyond midnight – again I turned in for rest at 8 and rose at 12.30 but not a wink of sleep could I get for the noise.

I got on board my train at 1.30 and was soon in bed and sound asleep – had to spend 2 nights in the train and reached Brandan on Saturday morning – did a nice business there and left again at 5pm for a five hour ride here.

Have had a great disappointment here this morning – the brethren here changed their location and after nearly an hour's search for them had to give it up – tired and hot and return to my hotel. I wrote the leading brother from Calgary but my letter was evidently delivered at the Hudson Bay Mills of which he is the manager after the office was closed on Saturday. I purpose going to his residence this afternoon. On my last visit here there was 58 degrees of frost, now the glass must be near 85 or 90. What extremes!

I am halfway across this vast continent and shall now be getting near the Atlantic again and therefore only a week's distance from you.

Thank the Lord you are feeling so much better and looking so too and able to eat some nice solid nourishing food – I am sure you must have enjoyed the time with them all at Bristol – am thankful dear Arundel seems to be contented with his humble lot and able to plod away steadily with his work. There are but few of the Lord's people today, unworldly – "the lust of the eye –the lust of the flesh and the pride of life" embrace the whole circle of what this world is and offers to a human heart to satisfy it but never can. This is only possible by the revelation of what God is as revealed in Christ who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world according to the Will of God and our Father.

Lord's Day Evening

I began my letter this morning and will now add a little more to it – after dinner and a nice rest I called upon Mr Taylor the leading brother here who happens to be in Montreal but his wife knew me so I was soon at home with her and her dear children – a dear girl with the mumps – the company I was hunting for this morning were not more than a stone's throw from the hotel where I am staying – the Lord may have ordered it – they have had trouble among themselves – I had heard a little of it in the States and my visit and talk with Mrs Taylor this afternoon gave me some light as to the cause of it. Have been with them all this evening and I trust the Lord by His Word spoken to the meeting. They were glad to see me as I to see them and have arranged for meetings every evening during my stay. Trust the gracious Lord may come in for healing and binding – what can men do with hands that hang down, nothing – but God can lift them up and the feeble knees, so crippling, He can strengthen and we have to prove the virtue of these healing medicines before we can give them to others. The Lord loves His redeemed ones and nothing can separate them from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

I received good reports from New York y'day of the increase of our business there – Mr Sarl is going to England with his wife and child for 2 or 3 months' holiday now in a few days – he has just been bereaved by the death of his Father who was a very devoted Christian – dear Sarl seems to feel it very deeply and expresses himself freely to me about it. Well my beloved the paper is nearly filled and I must close. Trust you will continue to improve in health and be sustained from above with all that the grace of God has provided – He provided the manna for the wilderness and the Old corn for the Land – we need them both. God give us a state to enjoy the provisions of His grace until Glory crowns it all. With much love to your dear self and all our loved ones believe me my dearest Angee ever your very affectionate Husband 

June 4 – all well.

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