1886-87 - USA, Canada, Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Egypt


April 8th, 1887

Melbourne, Australia

I told you of poor Willie Carn in my last letter and his poor desolate famine stricken heart, but since then God has revealed His son as a saviour to him and now all is changed, he came to the gospel last Sunday evening and I do not think I ever felt the burden of a soul so heavily upon my heart as during and before and after the preaching - he walked to my hotel afterward but did not say much - I felt God was working with him - on Monday he called for a little while but was not set free - again on Tuesday evening he spent the whole evening with me but could not understand how a poor guilty sinner could ever know here that his sins were all forgiven.

On Wednesday afternoon he called again and on entering my room seized my hand - the tears streaming down his poor face and exclaiming "it's all right" and so I trust it is indeed for that precious Saviour and His precious blood were before His soul - God had made it to touch his deep need and as ever, virtue had gone out of Him and he was healed - what a change – his heart was full of gratitude to God for His sovereign mercy and love was made known to him - we bowed together in prayer and thanksgiving and I was amazed to hear the utterances of his heart to God in thanksgiving for the mercy that had forgiven all his sins and washed him in that precious blood - praying too that God would fill his soul with faith and give him His Holy Spirit.

Last night he came to the prayer meeting and many brethren spoke to him kindly. I pray that God in His mercy and goodness may be pleased now to open a door for him where he may be able to earn an honest living. How mysterious are God's ways - how strange that he should have been standing outside my hotel door not knowing I was in this part of the world – God has answered his dear mother's prayers.

Have been very busy during the past week and in the continued mercy of God he has greatly prospered me in the work here - have sent home 8 splendid orders, I may get a few more. There would be work enough to keep me going in Australia alone for 6 months, but my thought is to push on now to Sydney and Singapore and get home by June if possible. If it is not too hot I may call at Calcutta and Bombay on my way home or I may come direct from Singapore. The Lord will guide aright I trust. How I do desire to see you all again – with much love once more to all our dear children and to yourself my dearly beloved Angee and all dear friends believe me.

Your affectionate Husband

Weather has been intensely hot here 99 in shade - very hot today. I spent 2 or 3 hours on Saturday afternoon endeavouring to find Tom Gant - the address his father sent was wrong - Gant called the street "Schikel" instead of which it was Schimel Street. On getting over this difficulty and at length finding the house was sorry to find Tom had left it for a suburb about 5 miles away and no-one knew his address - I have written a note to him in the hope that the postman may know his present address. I hope I may see him for his dear parents' sake.

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