
Gibraltar, Algeria, Malta, Egypt, India, Burma, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Russia

June 7th, 1889

Fusan, Korea

My Beloved Angee,

There is a steamer at this port going south so I have a chance of sending a few lines – we have had a delightful voyage thus far and the two places already visited since leaving Nagasaki were very fine but I did not land at either of them was quite content to see their beauty from the steamer. Am already feeling much refreshed in every way – the weather is all one could wish – only one sorrow that I do not know one believer on board – the saloon passengers are very few – a lady and her little boy about 2 1/2 years old returning to Vladivostok where her husband lives – a young Lieut. In the Russian navy make up the list – I have spoken pretty plainly at the table.

It is deeply sorrowful to hear their words against the missionaries especially but the lady made some sort of apology this morning at breakfast for the remarks she had made of one especially called Mr Spencer Jones a friend of Mr Huntingdon Jones who came out in a P&O with this lady and one day during the voyage he asked her if she had been born again which I think has troubled her a bit. I happened to meet Mr Jones at one of the Yang Tsee River stations – he had heard of me from Mr Stone and also from Dr Eitol at Hong Kong who pressed him to stay there until my return which he was daily expecting. The lady (Mrs Sonne) was rather surprised when she found I knew Mr Jones and I said she may one day see and own what a true friend he was to her in asking such a question and she then said why I believe you are half a missionary – she already knew my business and it seems an inaccurate phenomena for one in business to confess Christ in this part of the world. The young English Lieut. Lee appears a confirmed infidel but has listened to what I have said to him – a lovely looking youth naturally – has been laid down with fever for many weeks past and now going for a trip to Vladivostok and back to Nagasaki so that we shall have to spend some time with each other.

Shall have to wait any further letters from here until my return to Japan but how good and gracious it is of our God and Father to keep our hearts and minds in peace – His love is eternal – has loved us – does love us and will love us evermore – may He keep us to keep ourselves in the love of God – the enemies to this are very real even the world and the Devil outside and the flesh in us – their combined powers are great but thanks to God for that word which declares that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith – believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. The Lord graciously continue His preserving mercy to us and now once more with much love to dear Arundel and Harry, Harriett  and Emma and all the darling children and a double portion for yourself believe me my darling beloved Angee.

Being very affectionate Husband

Kind love to Eunice and all dear friends.

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