United States of America

May 18th, 1898

Planters Hotel, St Louis

My Beloved Angee,

Your welcome letter of the 6th just came to hand this morning and one of the same printed envelopes with notes from five of the dear children in Bristol to whom you had sent 2/6 each which seems to [have] arrived in the nick of time as Graham & Harold's purses were very low – it was an unexpected budget and delighted my heart. Weather continues very hot and the cool I expected to find has passed away – it is very depressing so much of it – my poor body is nearly a wound from prickly heats and it [is] so difficult to get any sleep – am hoping to reach Chicago tomorrow night and have written all my firms telling them that I purpose to return on the first Wednesday in June from New York. You would smile to see me in my bedroom nearly naked and here I have to sit for hours reading through the writing leaving your to the last with only a few minutes left which I know you will forgive for once – I was not surprised to find from your letter that you were a little upset on hearing that I had had fever – well thro' mercy shall soon be home again – much love to all dear friends and with truest love to yourself my darling Angee believe me.

Being very affectionate Husband

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